The difference between data, information and knowledge is
the processes that it undergoes. Essentially data is a collection of
unprocessed facts and figures, whilst information is the result of processing
that data. Knowledge is then gained from the interpretation of the information
in the context of existing knowledge and understanding
(Digital Citizenship Module Manuel, 2015, page 26)
The Digital
Divide- a socio-economic divide
This is relevance in the case of Internet use, where
socio-economic groups that attend a private tertiary institute vary widely in
the number or ratio of the public with the access to the Internet, with the
ability to access, data and information through the use of digital devices.
(Digital Citizenship Module Manuel, 2015, page 23)
Cognitive Access: the
ability to understand assignments, plan approaches to and execute tasks, use
materials effectively, comprehend content presented in various media, organize
work, understand and use feedback, and express ideas effectively. Posted by PLB-Professional
Learning Board (https://k12teacherstaffdevelopment.com/tlb/what-do-you-mean-by-cognitive-access-to-curriculum/)
Physical Access: Refers
to actual hands-on, on-site to computer and network hardware or other parts of
a hardware installation. (https://www.techopedia.com/definition33927/physicalaccess)
Elements of the Digital Divide
Capital (Social Connectivity) and digital divide
Social Capital- the collective value of all social networks
and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other.
The central premise of social capital is that social networks have value. (http://www.bettertogether.org/socialcapital.htm)
Given the value people gain from online socializing, digital
divide impact on people’s ability to leverage their social capital, impending
on their ability to access data, information and knowledge that may enhance
their own feelings of self-worth coupled with their ability to further
themselves socially.
Capital and digital Divide
Knowledge capital in the context of education
The divide in education is recognized where South African
students from all backgrounds are striving to get a tertiary qualification to
ensure employability. The socio-economic divide and very desperate secondary
educational schools has a domino effect when it comes to tertiary studies.
(Digital Citizenship Module Manuel, 2015, page 30)
Knowledge capital in the context of business
Businesses develop knowledge
capital by encouraging employees to share information through white papers,
seminars and person-to-person communication. Knowledge capital is an intangible
asset that comprises the information and skills of a company’s employees, their
experience with business processes, group work and on-the-job learning.
Capital and digital divide
Human Capital is health, knowledge, motivation and skills,
the attainment of which is regarded as an end in itself because they yield
fulfillment and satisfaction to the possessor. (http://www.businessdirctory.com/definition/human-capital.html)
Human capital in the context of business
This capital is the organizations constantly renewable
source of creativity and innovativeness (and imparts it the ability to change)
but is not reflected in its financial statements.
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