of ecommerce
by Miva Merchant to articles on October 26th, 2011
or electronic commerce, is the buying and selling of products or services via
the Internet.
was introduced 40 years ago and, to this day, continues to grow with new
technologies, innovations, and thousands of businesses entering the online
market each year. The convenience,
safety, and user experience of ecommerce has improved exponentially since its inception
in the 1970’s.
the way for electronic commerce was the development of the Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI). EDI replaced
traditional mailing and faxing of documents with transfer of data from one
computer to another. Trading partners
could transfer orders, invoices and other business transactions using a data
format that met the ANSI ASC X12, the predominant set of standards in North
America. Once an order is sent, it is
then examined by VAN (Value-Added Network) and finally directed to the
recipient’s order processing system. EDI allowed the transfer of data
seamlessly without any human intervention.
1979 Micheal Aldrich connected a television set to a transaction processing
computer with a telephone line and created what he coined, :teleshopping:,
meaning shopping at a distance.
1982, France launched the precursor to the Internet called, Minitel. The Minitel was free to telephone subscribers
and connected millions of users to a computing network.
1999, over 9 million Minitel terminals had been distributed and were connecting
approximately 25 million users in this interconnected network of machines. The Minitel system peaked in 1991 and slowly
met its demise after the success of the Internet 3 years later. In 2011, France Telecom announced its shutdown
of the Minitel service system.
90’s To Present
1990 Tim Berners Lee, along with his friend Robert Cailliau, published a
proposal to build a “Hypertext project” called, “Worldwide Web”. The inspiration for this project was modeled
after the Dynatex SGMl reader licensed by CERN.
Same year Lee, using a NeXtcomputer the first web server and wrote the first
web browser. Shortly therafter, he went
on to debut the web on Aug 6,1991 as a publicly available service on the
Internet. When Berner’s Lee decided he would take on the task of marrying
hypertext to the Internet, in doing that, the process led to him developing
Online Ecommerce Megastores
the mid-nineties to 2000’s major advancements in the commercial use of the
Internet. The largest online retailer in the world Amazon, launched in 1995 as
an online bookstore.
dot com bubble was Ebay, an online auction site that debuted in 1995. Other
retailers like Zappos and Victoria Secret followed suit with online shopping
sites; Zappos being a web only
in 1995, was the inception of Yahoo followed by Google in 1998, two leading
search engines in the US. These successful web directories began their own
ecommerce subsidiaries with Google Shopping and Yahoo! Auction, in following
more and more people began doing business online, a need for secure
communication and transactions became apparent. In 2004, the Payment Card
Industry Security Standards Council (PCI) was formed to ensure businesses were
meeting compliance with various security requirements.
http://www.miva.com/blog/the-history-of-ecommerce -how-did-it-all-begin
http://www.miva.com/blog/the-history-of-ecommerce -how-did-it-all-begin
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