Code of Conduct
Virginia Shea’s (1994) 10 Points of
the Human
Never forget that the person reading your
communication is actually a person with feelings and can get hurt.
Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Be ethical in your engagement and know that
breaking the law is bad netiquette
Know where you are in cyberspace
The netiquette required will differ from
domain to domain.
4. Respect
other people’s time and bandwidth
Make sure you read FAQs first before asking
mundane questions where the answers already exist.
Make yourself look good online
Check your grammar and spelling before you
Share expert knowledge
Offer answers and help others where you
help keep flame wars under control
Don’t respond to flame-bait, don’t post spelling
or grammar flames, and apologize if you have done so.
8. Respect
other peoples’ privacy
Don’t give out people’s details, online or
Don’t abuse your power
The more power you have, the more important
it is how you use it.
Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes
We all were once a newb (and no we don’t
mean noob- those who know little and have no will to learn any more).
(Digital citizenship Module Manuel,2015,pg
84 and 85)
Penalties that apply for failing to meet
these rules
If these rules are not followed the first
step would be to send the user an automatic email stating that they are
breaking these rules.
The next step would be to limit their time
access to the internet
If the rules are still continued to be
disobeyed they would then need to attend a disciplinary hearing
If the previous step has not corrected
their actions then the final step would be to take legal action against the
How to enforce and manage netiquette in
your business
-Adjust privacy settings so that you have
control over who posts on your wall, tags you in photos and via status updates
-Do not share items that may not be
reflective of your organization.
-Avoid liking or retweeting a negative,
controversial status update- Your actions may be perceived as providing a tacit
-Think before posting on social media
-Do not pitch an idea product or job
opportunity on someone’s public wall or profile.
-Do not tag co-workers without their
-Do not speak ill of others or publicity
deride competitions
(Scott Steinberg, Thursday, June 26, 2014)
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